
How to Build a Scalable Vue.js Application: Architectural Best Practices



Scalability is a significant aspect when developing any modern web application, including those built with Vue.js. This article aims to guide you through the architectural best practices necessary for building scalable Vue.js applications.

Component Design

Components are the building blocks of a Vue.js application. Following best practices in component design enhances code reuse and maintainability.

Atomic Components

Create small, reusable components that do one thing and do it well. The aim is to follow the Atomic Design approach, segregating components into atoms, molecules, and organisms.

// Example of an atomic component
  <button @click="handleClick">{{ label }}</button>

State Management

Vue.js offers various ways to manage state, and choosing the right approach is crucial for scalability.


When your application grows, it's a good idea to use Vuex for centralized state management. Vuex integrates well with Vue components and provides various features out-of-the-box.

// Initializing Vuex store
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'


export default new Vuex.Store({
  state: {},
  mutations: {},
  actions: {}

Composition API

The Composition API, introduced in Vue 3, offers a more flexible way to manage component logic and can be beneficial for more complex states.

// Using Composition API for state management
import { reactive } from 'vue'

export default {
  setup() {
    const state = reactive({ count: 0 })
    return { state }

Routing and Lazy Loading

To optimize load time and performance, make use of Vue Router's lazy-loading feature. This way, code splitting enables downloading only the necessary parts of your application.

// Lazy loading with Vue Router
const Foo = () => import('./Foo.vue')

const routes = [
  { path: '/foo', component: Foo }

API Calls and Data Fetching

Data fetching is inevitable in most applications. Use libraries like Axios and handle API calls efficiently to ensure scalability.

Throttling and Debouncing

Implement throttling and debouncing to prevent unnecessary API calls.

// Debouncing example with lodash
import _ from 'lodash'

methods: {
  fetchData: _.debounce(function() {
    // API call
  }, 300)

Error Handling and Logging

Always anticipate errors and handle them gracefully. Use tools like Sentry to capture errors and analyze them for future fixes.


Building scalable Vue.js applications is an art that involves various best practices, from component design to state management and error handling. Implementing these best practices will not only make your application scalable but also maintainable and robust.